UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Uses of Class

Packages that use Feature

Uses of Feature in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture

Fields in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture declared as Feature
protected  Feature[] FeatureVector.features

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture that return Feature
static Feature FeatureFactory.getFeature(Class featureClass, GestureObject gestureObj)
protected static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(Class featureClass, GestureObject gestureObj)
protected static Feature FeatureFactory.getFeature(Hashtable table, Class featureClass)
 Feature FeatureArray.getFeature(int vectorNum, int featureNum)
 Feature FeatureVector.getFeature(int featureNum)
 Feature[] FeatureVector.getFeatures()
static Feature FeatureVector.singleFeature(Gesture g, int featureNum)
static Feature FeatureVector.singleFeature(Gesture g, int featureNum, Class[] featureClasses)
protected  Feature Classifier.getFeature(GestureCategory gc, int gIndex, int fIndex)
protected  Feature Classifier.getFeature(GestureCategory gc, int gIndex, Class featureClass)

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture with parameters of type Feature
 void FeatureDisplay.setFeature(Feature f)

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture with parameters of type Feature
FeatureDisplay(Feature f)

Uses of Feature in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture.features

Subclasses of Feature in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture.features
 class AnglePerDistance
 class Aspect
 class BoundsAngle
          Angle of the bounding box
 class BoundsSize
          Size of the bounding box
 class Curviness
          Approximates gesture curviness by computing sum of all angles between two thresholds.
 class Curviness2
 class Density1
 class Density2
 class EndsAngleCosine
          Cosine of the angle between the first and last points
 class EndsAngleSine
          Sine of the angle between the first and last points
 class EndsDistance
          Distance between first and last point
 class InitAngleCosine
          Cosine of the initial angle
 class InitAngleSine
          Sine of the initial angle
 class LogArea
 class LogAspect
 class Sharpness
          Sharpness of the entire gesture.
 class TotalAbsAngle
          The sum of the square of absolute value of the angle at each point.
 class TotalAngle
          The sum of the angle at each point.
 class TotalLength
          Total length of the gesture

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