UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Uses of Interface

Packages that use GraphicalObject
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin Sketch and Transformational INfrastructure is a toolkit for creating informal sketch-based user interfaces. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command Contains Satin's undo, redo, and macro mechanisms. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.image Utilities for manipulating images in SATIN, and for converting SATIN graphical objects to Java images. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter Interpreters control the state and behavior of a GraphicalObject. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands Set of interpreters to do standard commands. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects The scenegraph objects for SATIN. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke Contains the basic strokes used in Satin. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.view Views for GraphicalObjects. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.widgets Java GUI widgets designed for pens. 
edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice SketchySpice is a sketch-based tool for drawing simple EE circuit diagrams. 

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm that implement GraphicalObject
 class BrainNote
          Here's the scenegraph:
 class Brainstorm
           Revisions: 1.0.0 06-28-2000 JH Created class
 class BrainstormSheet
          A brainstorming application.
 class Label
          A label contains a bunch of TimedStroke or GObText objects.

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin that implement GraphicalObject
 class Sheet
          Essentially a SATIN Panel.
 class Sheet.SheetGraphicalObjectGroup
          This class handles the Graphical Objects in the sheet.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin that return GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the bottom layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the bottom layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.get(int index)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.getFirst()
 GraphicalObject Sheet.getLast()
 GraphicalObject Sheet.getID(int id)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.remove(GraphicalObject gob)

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin with parameters of type GraphicalObject
 boolean Sheet.shapeContains(GraphicalObject gob)
          Yes, we contain everything.
 boolean Sheet.shapeIntersects(GraphicalObject gob)
          Yes, we intersect everything.
 void Sheet.damage(int sync, GraphicalObject gob)
          Damage an area for repainting.
 String Sheet.getRelativeLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void Sheet.setRelativeLayer(GraphicalObject gob, int layer)
 String Sheet.getAbsoluteLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void Sheet.bringUpALayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void Sheet.bringUpNLayers(GraphicalObject gob, int n)
 void Sheet.bringDownALayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void Sheet.bringDownNLayers(GraphicalObject gob, int n)
 void Sheet.bringToTopLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void Sheet.bringToBottomLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the bottom layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the bottom layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top layer.
 GraphicalObject Sheet.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 boolean Sheet.contains(GraphicalObject gob)
 int Sheet.indexOf(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject Sheet.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObjectCollection Sheet.getGraphicalObjects(GraphicalObject gob, int num, int depth, int gettype, double thresh, GraphicalObjectCollection out)
 GraphicalObjectCollection Sheet.getGraphicalObjects(GraphicalObject gob, int num, int depth, int gettype)
 void Sheet.SheetGraphicalObjectGroup.damage(int sync, GraphicalObject gob)
 boolean Sheet.SheetGraphicalObjectGroup.shapeContains(GraphicalObject gob)
 boolean Sheet.SheetGraphicalObjectGroup.shapeIntersects(GraphicalObject gob)

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command that return GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject AddInkInterpreterCommand.getGraphicalObject()
          Get the GraphicalObject that this command will attach an Interpreter to.
protected abstract  GraphicalObject SelectCommand.getGraphicalObject()
 GraphicalObject CommandSubsystem.getLastGraphicalObject()
          Get the last Graphical Object added by InsertCommand.
 GraphicalObject AddGestureInterpreterCommand.getGraphicalObject()
          Get the GraphicalObject that this command will attach an Interpreter to.
protected  GraphicalObject SelectDeepCommand.getGraphicalObject()
protected  GraphicalObject SelectShallowCommand.getGraphicalObject()

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command with parameters of type GraphicalObject
 void DeleteCommand.addGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a Graphical Object to the list of Graphical Objects to be deleted.
 void DeleteCommand.removeGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Remove a Graphical Object from the list of Graphical Objects to be deleted.
 void Clipboard.copyToClipboard(GraphicalObject gob)
          Place a copy of the specified GraphicalObject on the clipboard.
 void Clipboard.removeFromClipboard(GraphicalObject gob)
          Remove an item from the clipboard.
 boolean CommandSubsystem.isSelected(GraphicalObject gob)
 void CommandSubsystem.removeSelected(GraphicalObject gob)
          Remove the specified Graphical Object from the selected list.
 void CommandSubsystem.addSelected(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add the specified GraphicalObject to the selected list if it is not already (can only be in the list at most once).
 Point CommandSubsystem.getLocalLastLocation(GraphicalObject gob)
          Get the last mouse location clicked, in the specified GraphicalObject's coordinate system.
 Point CommandSubsystem.getLocalLastLocation(GraphicalObject gob, Point pt)
          Get the last mouse location clicked, in the specified GraphicalObject's coordinate system.
 int CommandSubsystem.getLocalLastXLocation(GraphicalObject gob)
          Get the last mouse x-location clicked, in the specified GraphicalObject's coordinate system.
 int CommandSubsystem.getLocalLastYLocation(GraphicalObject gob)
          Get the last mouse y-location clicked, in the specified GraphicalObject's coordinate system.
 void CommandSubsystem.setLastGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Set the last Graphical Object added.
 void InsertCommand.addGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
 void InsertCommand.removeGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
 void CopyCommand.addGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a Graphical Object to the list of Graphical Objects to be copied.
 void CopyCommand.removeGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Remove a Graphical Object from the list of Graphical Objects to be copied.

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command with parameters of type GraphicalObject
MoveCommand(GraphicalObject gob, int dx, int dy, int dz)
          Create the move command object.
AddInkInterpreterCommand(GraphicalObject gob, Interpreter intrp)
          Select the specified Graphical Object.
DeleteCommand(GraphicalObject gob)
          Create the delete command object, deleting the specified GraphicalObject.
CutCommand(GraphicalObject gob)
          Create the cut command object, cutting the specified GraphicalObject into the clipboard.
RemoveCommand(GraphicalObjectGroup gobs, GraphicalObject gob)
          Create the remove command object.
SetLocationCommand(GraphicalObject gob, double x, double y)
          Create the move command object.
SelectCommand(GraphicalObject gob)
          Select the specified Graphical Object.
ApplyTransformationCommand(GraphicalObject gob, AffineTransform tx)
          Create the apply transformation command.
ZoomCommand(GraphicalObject gob, double scale)
          Create the zoom command, zooming in the center of the GraphicalObject and keeping it constant.
ZoomCommand(GraphicalObject gob, double scale, double x, double y)
          Create the zoom command, zooming in at the specified coordinate and keeping it constant (ie ZoomCommand.KEEP_CONSTANT).
ZoomCommand(GraphicalObject gob, double scale, double x, double y, int type)
          Create the zoom command.
SetTransformCommand(GraphicalObject gob, AffineTransform tx)
          Create the set transform command.
AddGestureInterpreterCommand(GraphicalObject gob, Interpreter intrp)
          Select the specified Graphical Object.
InsertCommand(GraphicalObjectGroup gobs, GraphicalObject gob)
          Create the insert command object.
InsertCommand(GraphicalObjectGroup gobs, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Create the insert command object.
PanCommand(GraphicalObject gob, int dx, int dy)
          Create the apply transformation command.
SelectDeepCommand(GraphicalObject gob)
          Select the specified Graphical Object.
RotateCommand(GraphicalObject gob, double theta)
          Rotate around the center of the specified GraphicalObject.
RotateCommand(GraphicalObject gob, double theta, double x, double y)
          Rotate around the specified point in the specified GraphicalObject's relative coordinate space (ie gob's parent coordinate space).
SelectShallowCommand(GraphicalObject gob)
          Select the specified Graphical Object.
CopyCommand(GraphicalObject gob)
          Create the copy command object, copying the specified GraphicalObject into the clipboard.

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.image

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.image with parameters of type GraphicalObject
static BufferedImage SatinImageLib.toImage(GraphicalObject gob)
          Convert a Graphical Object into an image.

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter that return GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject InterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Set the GraphicalObject this Interpreter is attached to.
 GraphicalObject InterpreterImpl.getAttachedGraphicalObject()
          Get the GraphicalObject this Interpreter is attached to.
 GraphicalObject DefaultMultiInterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Attaches the MultiInterpreter and every contained interpreter to the given graphical object.
 GraphicalObject InterpreterWrapper.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Overrided to set the GraphicalObject for the wrapped-up interpreter too.
 GraphicalObject Interpreter.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Set the GraphicalObject this Interpreter is attached to.
 GraphicalObject Interpreter.getAttachedGraphicalObject()
          Get the GraphicalObject this Interpreter is attached to.
 GraphicalObject DefaultInterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GestureCommandInterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter with parameters of type GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject InterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Set the GraphicalObject this Interpreter is attached to.
 GraphicalObject DefaultMultiInterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Attaches the MultiInterpreter and every contained interpreter to the given graphical object.
 GraphicalObject InterpreterWrapper.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Overrided to set the GraphicalObject for the wrapped-up interpreter too.
 GraphicalObject Interpreter.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Set the GraphicalObject this Interpreter is attached to.
 GraphicalObject DefaultInterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GestureCommandInterpreterImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands that return GraphicalObject
protected  GraphicalObject StandardGestureInterpreter.getGraphicalObjectCenteredAt(TimedStroke stk)
          Get the GraphicalObject near the center of this TimedStroke.
protected  GraphicalObject StandardGestureInterpreter.getGraphicalObjectCenteredAt(TimedStroke stk, double thresh)
          Get the GraphicalObject near the center of this TimedStroke, with the specified threshold.
protected  GraphicalObject AbstractSelectInterpreter.getSelectCandidate(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
          Given a collection of possible selection candidates, choose the "right" Graphical Object.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands with parameters of type GraphicalObject
protected  boolean AbstractSelectInterpreter.toggleSelectGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject selgob)
          Select or deselect the specified Graphical Object.

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects

Subinterfaces of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects
 interface GraphicalObjectGroup
          A collection of Graphical Objects that is part of the interactor tree.
 interface Patch
          A Graphical Object Group with boundaries, additional kinds of properties and behavior.

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects that implement GraphicalObject
 class GObImage
          A GraphicalObject holding an image.
 class GObJComponentWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class GObText
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class GraphicalObjectGroupImpl
          A Group of Graphical objects.
 class GraphicalObjectImpl
          This is a sample implementation class for GraphicalObjects.
 class GraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class LineArrow
          A simple straight-line arrow.
 class PatchImpl
          A Graphical Object Group with boundaries, additional kinds of properties and behavior.
 class StickyGraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class StickyXYGraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class StickyZGraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects that return GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the top of the group, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the bottom of the group, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the top of the group, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the group at the specified layer, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.get(int index)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getFirst()
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getLast()
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getID(int id)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
protected  GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getDispatchee(TimedStroke stk)
          Given a stroke, figure out which of our children it will be dispatched to.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.add(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.get(int index)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.getFirst()
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.getLast()
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.getID(int id)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject ViewHandler.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObjectImpl gob)
          Set the GraphicalObject this ViewHandler is attached to.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.add(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the bottom of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the specified layer of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.add(GraphicalObject gob)
          Same as addToFront.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the front of the list.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the back of the list.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a Graphical Object to the specified location.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.get(int index)
          Get the Graphical Object at the specified index.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.getFirst()
          Get the first Graphical Object.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.getLast()
          Get the last Graphical Object.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.getID(int id)
          Retrieve the GraphicalObject with the specified unique ID.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
          Remove a Graphical Object from this collection.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectWrapper.getGraphicalObject()
 GraphicalObject LineArrow.getStartGraphicalObject()
 GraphicalObject LineArrow.getEndGraphicalObject()
static GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectLib.getTopmostLeaf(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
static GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectLib.getBottommostLeaf(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
static GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectLib.getTopmostBranch(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
static GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectLib.getBottommostBranch(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
static GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectLib.getTopmostGraphicalObject(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
          In a GraphicalObjectCollection, get the GraphicalObject nearest to the top.
static GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectLib.getBottommostGraphicalObject(GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
          In a GraphicalObjectCollection, get the GraphicalObject nearest to the bottom.
 GraphicalObject InteractionHandler.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObjectImpl gob)
          Set the GraphicalObject this handler is attached to.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects with parameters of type GraphicalObject
 boolean GraphicalObjectImpl.shapeContains(GraphicalObject gob)
          In most cases should not override this method.
 boolean GraphicalObjectImpl.shapeIntersects(GraphicalObject gob)
          In most cases should not override this method.
 void GraphicalObjectImpl.damage(int sync, GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the top of the group, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the bottom of the group, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the top of the group, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
          This adds a GraphicalObject to the group at the specified layer, keeping its relative coordinates the same.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
 boolean GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.contains(GraphicalObject gob)
 int GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.indexOf(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
protected  void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.updateGroupBounds(GraphicalObject gob)
          Specifies how bounds are updated when a Graphical Object is added.
 String GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getRelativeLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.setRelativeLayer(GraphicalObject gob, int layer)
 String GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getAbsoluteLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.bringUpALayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.bringUpNLayers(GraphicalObject gob, int n)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.bringDownALayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.bringDownNLayers(GraphicalObject gob, int n)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.bringToTopLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.bringToBottomLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObjectCollection GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getGraphicalObjects(GraphicalObject gob, int num, int depth, int gettype, double thresh, GraphicalObjectCollection out)
 GraphicalObjectCollection GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getGraphicalObjects(GraphicalObject gob, int num, int depth, int gettype)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.add(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
 boolean GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.contains(GraphicalObject gob)
 int GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.indexOf(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectCollectionImpl.onRepaint(GraphicalObject gob)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.add(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the bottom of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the top of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroup.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob, int pos)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the specified layer of this group, specifying the GraphicalObject's position at the same time.
 String GraphicalObjectGroup.getRelativeLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
          Given a GraphicalObject, return what layer it is in relative to this Graphical Object Group.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.setRelativeLayer(GraphicalObject gob, int layer)
          Given a GraphicalObject, set what layer it is in relative to this Graphical Object Group.
 String GraphicalObjectGroup.getAbsoluteLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
          Given a GraphicalObject, return its absolute layer position.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.bringUpALayer(GraphicalObject gob)
          Move the specified GraphicalObject up one layer in this Graphical Object Group.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.bringUpNLayers(GraphicalObject gob, int n)
          Move the specified GraphicalObject up N layers in this Group.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.bringDownALayer(GraphicalObject gob)
          Move the specified GraphicalObject down one layer in this Graphical Object Group.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.bringDownNLayers(GraphicalObject gob, int n)
          Move the specified GraphicalObject down N layers in this Group.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.bringToTopLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
          Move the specified Graphical Object to the top layer of this Graphical Object Group.
 void GraphicalObjectGroup.bringToBottomLayer(GraphicalObject gob)
          Move the specified Graphical Object to the bottom layer of this Graphical Object Group.
 GraphicalObjectCollection GraphicalObjectGroup.getGraphicalObjects(GraphicalObject gob, int num, int depth, int gettype, double thresh, GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
          Get all Graphical Objects subject to the specified parameters.
 GraphicalObjectCollection GraphicalObjectGroup.getGraphicalObjects(GraphicalObject gob, int num, int depth, int gettype)
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.add(GraphicalObject gob)
          Same as addToFront.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.addToFront(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the front of the list.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.addToBack(GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a GraphicalObject to the back of the list.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.add(int index, GraphicalObject gob)
          Add a Graphical Object to the specified location.
 boolean GraphicalObjectCollection.contains(GraphicalObject gob)
          See if this Graphical Object Collection contains the specified Graphical Object.
 int GraphicalObjectCollection.indexOf(GraphicalObject gob)
          Find the index of the specified Graphical Object.
 GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectCollection.remove(GraphicalObject gob)
          Remove a Graphical Object from this collection.
 boolean GraphicalObject.shapeContains(GraphicalObject gob)
          See if the specified GraphicalObject fits entirely within our bounds.
 boolean GraphicalObject.shapeIntersects(GraphicalObject gob)
          See if the specified GraphicalObject intersects the this GraphicalObject.
 void GraphicalObject.damage(int sync, GraphicalObject gob)
          If this GraphicalObject Watchable.hasNotifyEnabled(), mark the specified GraphicalObject as damaged and repaint.
 void GraphicalObjectWrapper.setGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
 boolean GraphicalObjectWrapper.shapeContains(GraphicalObject gob)
 boolean GraphicalObjectWrapper.shapeIntersects(GraphicalObject gob)
 void GraphicalObjectWrapper.damage(int sync, GraphicalObject gob)
          Done on proxy, not on proxied object.
 void LineArrow.setStartGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Set the graphical object that we start from.
 void LineArrow.setEndGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Set the graphical object that we end at (and the arrowhead points to).
protected  void PatchImpl.updateGroupBounds(GraphicalObject gob)
          This method is called by our parent class whenever a Graphical Object is added or removed.
static void GraphicalObjectLib.animate(GraphicalObject gob, AffineTransform[] txArray)
          Given a set of transforms, animate this graphical object using those transforms.
static Rectangle GraphicalObjectLib.getRenderBounds(GraphicalObject gob)
          Given a GraphicalObject, get the bounds for its damage region, that is the region that needs to be repainted.
static void GraphicalObjectLib.toLocalCoordinates(GraphicalObject gobMove, GraphicalObject gobCoord)
          Shift a Graphical Object from its current coordinate system to that of the other specified Graphical Object.
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.toLocalCoordinates(GraphicalObject gobSrc, Point2D pt, GraphicalObject gobDst)
          Convert a point from one GraphicalObject's local coordinate system to another.
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.toLocalCoordinates(GraphicalObject gobSrc, Point2D ptSrc, GraphicalObject gobDst, Point2D ptDst)
          Convert a point from one GraphicalObject's local coordinate system to another.
static Rectangle2D GraphicalObjectLib.toLocalCoordinates(GraphicalObject gobSrc, Rectangle2D rectSrc, GraphicalObject gobDst)
static Rectangle2D GraphicalObjectLib.toLocalCoordinates(GraphicalObject gobSrc, Rectangle2D rectSrc, GraphicalObject gobDst, Rectangle2D rectDst)
          Convert a rectangle from one coordinate system to another.
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.localToAbsolute(GraphicalObject gob, Point2D ptIn)
          Convert a coordinate from local coordinates to absolute coordinates.
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.localToAbsolute(GraphicalObject gob, Point2D ptIn, Point2D ptReturn)
          Convert a coordinate from local coordinates to absolute coordinates.
static Rectangle2D GraphicalObjectLib.localToAbsolute(GraphicalObject gob, Rectangle2D rectIn)
          Convert a rectangle from local coordinates to absolute coordinates.
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.absoluteToLocal(GraphicalObject gob, Point2D ptIn)
          Convert a coordinate from absolute coordinates to local coordinates.
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.absoluteToLocal(GraphicalObject gob, Point2D ptIn, Point2D ptReturn)
          Convert a coordinate from absolute coordinates to local coordinates.
static Rectangle2D GraphicalObjectLib.absoluteToLocal(GraphicalObject gob, Rectangle2D rectIn)
          Convert a rectangle from absolute coordinates to local coordinates.
static double GraphicalObjectLib.getScaleFactor(int cdsys, GraphicalObject gob)
          Get the scale factor of this Graphical Object.
static int GraphicalObjectLib.compareLayers(GraphicalObject gobA, GraphicalObject gobB)
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.getCenterOfMass(GraphicalObject gob)
static Point2D GraphicalObjectLib.getCenterOfMass(GraphicalObject gob, Point2D pt)
static double GraphicalObjectLib.weightAtTop(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
          Compare the center of masses of the two GraphicalObjects.
static double GraphicalObjectLib.weightAtBottom(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
static double GraphicalObjectLib.weightAtRight(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
static double GraphicalObjectLib.weightAtLeft(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atTop(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
          Uses the SatinConstants.DEFAULT_SELECT_THRESHOLD.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atTop(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB, double thresh)
          Check if gobAA is at the top of gobBB within threshold dist.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atBottom(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
          Uses the SatinConstants.DEFAULT_SELECT_THRESHOLD.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atBottom(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB, double thresh)
          Check if gobAA is at the bottom of gobBB within threshold dist.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atRight(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
          Uses the SatinConstants.DEFAULT_SELECT_THRESHOLD.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atRight(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB, double thresh)
          Check if gobAA is at the right of gobBB within threshold dist.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atLeft(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB)
          Uses the SatinConstants.DEFAULT_SELECT_THRESHOLD.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.atLeft(GraphicalObject gobAA, GraphicalObject gobBB, double thresh)
          Check if gobAA is at the left of gobBB within threshold dist.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.contains(GraphicalObject gob, Shape s)
          Determine if the Graphical Object contains the specified shape.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.contains(Shape s, GraphicalObject gob)
          Determine if the Shape contains the specified Graphical Object.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.intersects(GraphicalObject gob, Shape s)
          Determine if the Graphical Object contains the specified shape.
static boolean GraphicalObjectLib.intersects(Shape s, GraphicalObject gob)
          Determine if the Shape contains the specified Graphical Object.

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects with parameters of type GraphicalObject
GraphicalObjectWrapper(GraphicalObject gob)
          Create a proxy pointing to the specified Graphical Object.
StickyGraphicalObjectWrapper(GraphicalObject gob)
          Create a proxy pointing to the specified Graphical Object.
LineArrow(GraphicalObject gobStart, GraphicalObject gobEnd)

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke that implement GraphicalObject
 class TimedStroke
          A single Stroke that can paint itself.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke with parameters of type GraphicalObject
 void StrokeAssembler.onRepaint(GraphicalObject gob)

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.view

Fields in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.view declared as GraphicalObject
protected  GraphicalObject ViewImpl.gob

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.view that return GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject ViewImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
 GraphicalObject ViewImpl.getAttachedGraphicalObject()
 GraphicalObject DefaultMultiViewImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Also modify the attached GraphicalObject for every contained View.
 GraphicalObject ViewWrapper.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Overrided to set the GraphicalObject for the wrapped-up view too.
 GraphicalObject View.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Used to set the GraphicalObject this View is attached to.
 GraphicalObject View.getAttachedGraphicalObject()
          Get the GraphicalObject this View is attached to.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.view with parameters of type GraphicalObject
 GraphicalObject ViewImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
 GraphicalObject DefaultMultiViewImpl.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject gob)
          Also modify the attached GraphicalObject for every contained View.
 GraphicalObject ViewWrapper.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Overrided to set the GraphicalObject for the wrapped-up view too.
 GraphicalObject View.setAttachedGraphicalObject(GraphicalObject newGob)
          Used to set the GraphicalObject this View is attached to.

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.widgets

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.widgets with parameters of type GraphicalObject
JSatinComponent(GraphicalObject newGob)
JSatinComponent(GraphicalObject newGob, boolean flagIgnoreTranslate)

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.posterboard

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.posterboard that implement GraphicalObject
 class Demo
           Revisions: 1.0.0 08-12-1999 JH Created class Demo
 class Posterboard
           Revisions: 1.0.0 08-02-1999 JH Created class Posterboard

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice that implement GraphicalObject
 class SketchySpice
           Revisions: 1.0.0 04-17-2000 JH Created class SketchySpice

Uses of GraphicalObject in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects that implement GraphicalObject
 class AndGate
 class Circuit
          Just a circuit.
 class Gate
          Just a Gate.
 class NotGate
 class OrGate

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