UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Uses of Class

Packages that use TimedStroke
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command Contains Satin's undo, redo, and macro mechanisms. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.event The event system in Satin. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter Interpreters control the state and behavior of a GraphicalObject. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands Set of interpreters to do standard commands. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects The scenegraph objects for SATIN. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.recognizer Interfaces for recognizers in Satin. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke Contains the basic strokes used in Satin. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.util Miscellaneous utilities used in SATIN. 

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm with parameters of type TimedStroke
 void BrainstormSheet.addInkToNote(int id, TimedStroke[] stks)
          Not yet implemented.

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm with parameters of type TimedStroke
Label(TimedStroke[] strokeArr)

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm.interpreter

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm.interpreter with parameters of type TimedStroke
protected  void NoteInterpreter.handleRectangle(TimedStroke lastStk)
          Create a new note.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm.net

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm.net with parameters of type TimedStroke
static String SerializationLib.toString(TimedStroke stk)

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command with parameters of type TimedStroke
MakePatchCommand(TimedStroke stk)

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.event

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.event that return TimedStroke
 TimedStroke StrokeEvent.getStroke()
          Get a reference to the Stroke object this event represents, after the transformations have been applied (ie in relative coordinate, relative to the last GraphicalObject that handled this event).
 TimedStroke StrokeEvent.getUntransformedStroke()
          Get a reference to the Stroke object this event represents, before the transformations have been applied (ie in absolute coordinates).

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.event with parameters of type TimedStroke
 void StrokeEvent.setStroke(TimedStroke stk)

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.event with parameters of type TimedStroke
StrokeEvent(Object source, TimedStroke stroke)
          Create a new StrokeEvent object.
StrokeEvent(Object source, TimedStroke stroke, MouseEvent evt)
          Create a new StrokeEvent object.
UpdateStrokeEvent(Object source, TimedStroke stroke)
          Create a new UpdateStrokeEvent object.
SingleStrokeEvent(Object source, TimedStroke stroke)
          Create a new SingleStrokeEvent object.
NewStrokeEvent(Object source, TimedStroke stroke)
          Create a new NewStrokeEvent object.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter with parameters of type TimedStroke
protected  void GestureCommandInterpreterImpl.fireGestureCommandCallback(String strGestureName, TimedStroke stk, GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
          Activate the corresponding gesture callback.
 void GestureCommandCallback.onGestureCommand(TimedStroke stk, GraphicalObjectCollection gobcol)
          A gesture command has occurred, do something.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands with parameters of type TimedStroke
protected  void StandardGestureInterpreter.handleCut(TimedStroke stk)
          Cut whatever intersects the stroke.
protected  void StandardGestureInterpreter.handleCopy(TimedStroke stk)
          Copy whatever is in the center of the stroke.
protected  void StandardGestureInterpreter.handlePaste(TimedStroke stk)
          Paste to the bottom-center of the stroke.
protected  void StandardGestureInterpreter.handleDelete(TimedStroke stk)
          Delete whatever is in the center of the stroke (except ourself of course).
protected  void StandardGestureInterpreter.handleCenter(TimedStroke stk)
          Center the screen to be at the mark.
protected  void StandardGestureInterpreter.handleViewPort(String str, TimedStroke stk)
          Handle a move view port command.
protected  GraphicalObjectCollection StandardGestureInterpreter.getGraphicalObjectsTouching(TimedStroke stk, double thresh)
          Get things that intersect the stroke.
protected  GraphicalObject StandardGestureInterpreter.getGraphicalObjectCenteredAt(TimedStroke stk)
          Get the GraphicalObject near the center of this TimedStroke.
protected  GraphicalObject StandardGestureInterpreter.getGraphicalObjectCenteredAt(TimedStroke stk, double thresh)
          Get the GraphicalObject near the center of this TimedStroke, with the specified threshold.
protected  GraphicalObjectCollection AbstractSelectInterpreter.getCandidates(TimedStroke stk)
          Get the possible Graphical Objects that the stroke could have intersected.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects

Subclasses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects
 class LineArrow
          A simple straight-line arrow.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects with parameters of type TimedStroke
protected  GraphicalObject GraphicalObjectGroupImpl.getDispatchee(TimedStroke stk)
          Given a stroke, figure out which of our children it will be dispatched to.

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects with parameters of type TimedStroke
PatchImpl(TimedStroke stk)
          Make a patch with the specified boundaries.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.recognizer

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.recognizer with parameters of type TimedStroke
 Classification Recognizer.classify(TimedStroke stroke)
          Classify the Stroke as some sort of GraphicalObject.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.recognizer.rubine

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.recognizer.rubine with parameters of type TimedStroke
 Classification RubineRecognizer.classify(TimedStroke stk)

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke that return TimedStroke
 TimedStroke TimedStroke.doneAddingPoints()
          Tell the stroke that we won't add any more points.
 TimedStroke TimedStroke.getSubstroke(double start, double end)
          Get a portion of this stroke by percentages of length.
protected  TimedStroke TimedStroke.clone(TimedStroke stk)
          For clone chaining purposes.
static TimedStroke StrokeLib.linearize(TimedStroke stk)
          Given a stroke, straighten it out.
static TimedStroke StrokeLib.mergeStrokes(TimedStroke stkAA, TimedStroke stkBB)
          Do our best to merge two strokes together into a new one.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke with parameters of type TimedStroke
protected  TimedStroke TimedStroke.clone(TimedStroke stk)
          For clone chaining purposes.
static Point2D StrokeLib.computeApproxDirection(int cdsys, TimedStroke stk)
          Given a stroke, approximate the direction that the last few endpoints are going in.
static double StrokeLib.computeSpatialDistance(TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2)
          Calls the other computeSpatialDistance() method using unbiased distances (ie weights of 1).
static double StrokeLib.computeSpatialDistance(double relImportanceX, double relImportanceY, TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2)
          Compute the spatial distance between two strokes.
static double StrokeLib.computeTemporalDistance(TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2)
          Compute the distance between two strokes in terms of time.
static double StrokeLib.computeTemporalDistance(TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2, double maxTimeDistance)
          Compute the distance between two strokes in terms of time.
static double StrokeLib.computeDistance(TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2)
          Compute the distance between two strokes in some "stroke-space".
static double StrokeLib.computeHandwritingDistance(TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2)
          Compute how far two strokes are in "handwriting space".
static double StrokeLib.computeDistance(double relImportanceSpace, double relImportanceTime, TimedStroke stk1, TimedStroke stk2)
          Compute the distance between two strokes in some "stroke-space".
static TimedStroke StrokeLib.linearize(TimedStroke stk)
          Given a stroke, straighten it out.
static TimedStroke StrokeLib.mergeStrokes(TimedStroke stkAA, TimedStroke stkBB)
          Do our best to merge two strokes together into a new one.
static List StrokeLib.splitStroke(TimedStroke stk, Rectangle2D rect)
          Given a stroke and a box, return an iterator to a list of strokes that results from erasing the region in the box, possibly cutting the given stroke into several smaller strokes.

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke with parameters of type TimedStroke
TimedStroke(TimedStroke tstk)
          Make a copy of the points of this TimedStroke.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.util

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.util that return TimedStroke
static TimedStroke RandomLib.getRandomStroke(Rectangle rect, int npoints)
          Generate a stroke that fits in the specified rectangle and has the specified number of points.

Uses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects

Subclasses of TimedStroke in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects
 class Circuit
          Just a circuit.

Constructors in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects with parameters of type TimedStroke
Circuit(TimedStroke clean, TimedStroke sketchy)

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