Meet with an Advisor
Make an Appointment
Do you have general or specific career questions? Are you feeling stuck? Meet one-on-one with a career advisor regarding exploring career options, searching for jobs/internships, creating a resume/cover letter, mock interviews, salary negotiation, and researching graduate schools. Our College of Computing advisors, Anika McCarty and Morgan Gore, are available to meet with students via appointment on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.
Drop-In Advising
Stop by the Career Services virtual office for a 15-20 minute advising session. Ask quick questions about your resume, searching for a job, attending the career fair, or any other career topic! Drop-in appointments are available on Wednesdays in CCB 157A and 157B.
Graduate Career Advising
Current College of Computing graduate students can meet with a graduate advisor who can work directly with them on their specific needs. Appointments are available to current GT graduate students and recent graduates (2 years or less).
Graduate advisors are also available for graduate students who are seeking an internship. To learn more, visit here.
Workshops and Events
Attend one of the many workshops and events our office hosts relating to your career readiness! Visit CareerBuzz for a complete list of events.
Meet with an Academic Advisor
Academic advisors are a great resource when picking your classes that will help to set you up with the skills you need to land your dream job or internship.
Career Services Resources
- Student Resources
- Career Fair
- Recruiter Information