International Studies
Education abroad allows our students to pursue their professional and personal goals while having the adventure of a lifetime. Students in our programs learn to work with diverse groups, adapt to different cultures, and even hone their language skills, which are all competencies employers look for.
Whether you go abroad for a summer, a semester or a a year, you will come back with new skills, insights, and confidence. If you have questions, please contact Cynthia Tatis.
Summer Programs for Undergraduates
The College of Computing administers two summer programs for undergraduates, one in Barcelona and one in Berlin. Both are the technology capitals of their countries, as well as cities with deep histories and exciting, diverse cultures.
Summer Program in Barcelona
Barcelona, one of Europe’s oldest metropolitan areas and a chief Mediterranean port, sits on Spain’s southern coast 90 miles from the French border. The city is a center of Spanish and Catalan culture and has been called the “Paris of Spain.” With its mountainous surroundings and gorgeous view of the sea, Barcelona makes for not only a rich gateway into European culture and history, but a beautiful locale for study and adventure—a great place to spend a summer!
Summer Program in Berlin
The Berlin Summer Program provides undergraduate students of all disciplines with an opportunity to spend 11 weeks in a high-tech city while earning 12 hours of GT credit with GT faculty. This is the newest program created by the College of Computing due to meeting an increasing need for Computing students wishing to study abroad!
Graduate International Programs
Georgia Tech-Europe
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech-Europe, Georgia Tech's European campus in Metz. France. Or, split your time between the Lorraine and Atlanta campuses --- the choice is yours. There is also an option to complete a dual-degree program from one of Georgia Tech-Europe’s over 20 top-tier partner institutions in Europe and North Africa. Learn More.
Georgia Tech-Shenzhen
Complete your MSCS at Georgia Tech - Shenzhen, Georgia Tech’s Chinese campus in Shenzhen, China. Or, pursue your one-semester study at GT-Shenzhen. Situated next to Hong Kong, Shenzhen has the highest GDP per capita among large- and medium-sized cities in mainland China. Multinational companies that have a presence in Shenzhen include Apple, Cisco Systems, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Phillips, PMC-Sierra, Samsung, Schneider Electric, Siemens, TI, UPS, etc. Learn More.
Office of International Education
Georgia Tech offers many other programs, as well as study-abroad scholarships and peer mentoring programs. To learn more, visit the Education Abroad site.