The College of Computing offers nine different computing minors for students in other disciplines who want to add some serious computational chops to their degrees and resumes. These programs provide a solid foundation for integrating computing principles and advancements within a vast array of career options.
Explore the minors offered by the College of Computing:
- Minor in Computing & Devices
- Minor in Computing & Information Internetworks
- Minor in Computing & Intelligence
- Minor in Computing & Media
- Minor in Computing & People
- Minor in Computing & Systems and Architecture
- Minor in Computing & Theory
- Minor in Computational Data Analysis
- Minor in Scientific and Engineering Computing
Policies and Eligibility:
- Must be in good academic standing (Student is not on academic warning or probation; is maintaining satisfactory academic progress.)
- Must have successfully completed CS 1301 or CS 1315 or CS 1371 with a grade of “B” or higher
- Must have successfully completed CS 1331 with a grade of “B” or higher
- Must have a minimum of 48 credit hours remaining (not including minor eligibility courses or current courses in progress) in your major degree requirements, as seat availability in CS courses are limited
- Computational Data Analysis minor applicants must have successfully completed mathematics through Calculus III (MATH 2550 or 2551)
- Scientific and Engineering Computing minor applicants must have successfully completed mathematics through Differential Equations (MATH 2552)
- Students pursuing a Mathematics major may not select the Theory minor
- Students pursuing a Computer Engineering and/or Electrical Engineering major may not select the Devices or Information Internetworks minors
- Students pursuing an Industrial Engineering major may not select Computational Data Analysis minor
- Students pursuing a Computer Engineering major (catalog year 2021-2022 and later) may not select any CS minor
Interested in learning more?
Students interested in a CS minor can join a live Q&A session to learn more about the CS minor program and the steps to apply. Students must register for a session in advance. Once registered, a meeting link will be provided.
Live Q&A Session Dates - Spring 2025 dates (Click Dates to Register)
For real-time answers, please attend the live Q&A sessions. For other questions, you can email a CS minor advisor based on your last name.
Scheduled appointments are reserved for current CS minor students only.
Previously Recorded Session:
Students must complete an application and be accepted into the CS Minor program. Please do not submit a change of minor form until instructed as the form alone is in no way an application for the program.
Click Here to Apply
Ashley McDowell Last names A-L
Ishmela Lyons-Uko Last names M-Z