College of Computing News

GT Computing Adds Record Number of Tenure-Track Faculty

To keep pace with continuing growth, the College of Computing has hired a record number of new tenure-track faculty members for the 2018/19 academic year.

Following on-campus interviews with candidates from around the country earlier this year, 11 new academics have been hired. These new faculty members specialize in a variety of disciplines – including artificial intelligencealgorithmscybersecuritymachine learninghigh-performance computing, and robotics. Last year, 10 new faculty members joined the GT Computing community.

“As our growth continues to skyrocket it is more important than ever to hire the best and the brightest,” said John P. Imlay Jr. Dean of Computing Zvi Galil. “We are very fortunate to be bringing aboard such a distinguished cohort of new faculty members. Their respective reputations for excellence in teaching and research are well-known and they are all highly regarded experts in their fields.”

The dozen new faculty members are split between the schools of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Computer Science (CS), and Interactive Computing (IC). The School of CSE is welcoming Assistant Professor Chao ZhangJoy ArulrajAlexandros DaglisDavid DevecseryPaul Pearce, and Qirun Zhang are joining the School of CS ranks as assistant professors. New faculty members in the School of IC include Associate Professor Carl DiSalvo and Assistant Professors Zsolt KiraMatthew GombolayJudy Hoffman, and Diyi Yang. Although not technically a new hire for GT Computing, the School of IC is also welcoming HyunJoo Oh, who has a joint appointment in IC and the School of Industrial Design.

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