College of Computing News

Number of Regents' Professors Hits Double Digits with New Appointments

As part of its May 14 board meeting, the University System of Georgia (USG) Board of Regents appointed four College of Computing faculty members as Regents’ Professors.

The quartet are among 11 Georgia Tech professors from across campus appointed to named faculty positions this month, and they represent each of the College’s three schools:

Seymour Goodman, a joint professor in the School of Computer Science and the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

Surya Kalidindi, a joint professor in the School of Computational Science & Engineering and the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

Elizabeth Mynatt, a Distinguished Professor in the School of Interactive Computing and the executive director of the Institute for People and Technology

Haesun Park, a professor in the School of Computational Science & Engineering

“These appointments are worthy recognition of Sy, Surya, Beth, and Haesun and the significant research contributions each has made – and continues to make – to their respective fields,” said Zvi Galil, the John P. Imlay Jr. Dean of Computing at Georgia Tech.

[RELATED: Professor Recognized by USG With Top Academic Honor]

A Regents’ Professorship is the highest academic and research honor given to faculty members by the USG Board of Regents. With the addition of Goodman, Kalidindi, Mynatt, and Park, there are now 11 Regents’ Professors in the GT Computing community.

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