SCI Inaugural Chair Olufisayo Omojokun wins The Monica Sweat Outstanding Lecturer in External Engagement Award. (Photos by Terence Rushin/College of Computing)

College Celebrates Outstanding SCI Faculty at Awards Celebration

Members of the School of Computing Instruction (SCI) community were honored at the College of Computing’s 32nd Annual Awards Celebration on Thursday.

This celebration honors the college’s faculty and staff for their academic, research, and professional contributions each spring.

SCI lecturer Ronnie Howard received the William D. “Bill” Leahy Jr. Outstanding Instructor Award. He was nominated by SCI Associate Chair Mary Hudachek-Buswell.

“Ronnie has been a valuable member of the computing instruction group. The students all follow him and look to him for guidance,” Hudachek-Buswell said.

SCI lecturer Ronnie Howard received the William D. “Bill” Leahy Jr. Outstanding Instructor award.
SCI Inaugural Chair Olufisayo Omojokun (top) receives The Monica Sweat Outstanding Lecturer in External Engagement Award from College of Computing Dean Charles Isbell.SCI lecturer Ronnie Howard receives the William D. “Bill” Leahy Jr. Outstanding Instructor award from College of Computing Dean Charles Isbell. (Photos by Terence Rushin/College of Computing)

The Monica Sweat Outstanding Lecturer in External Engagement Award went to SCI Inaugural Chair Olufisayo Omojokun. He was nominated by SCI Senior Lecturer Melinda McDaniel.

“The excellence he has shown in building the School of Computing Instruction and serving as its founding chair is setting the standard in computing education for the rest of the world,” McDaniel said.

David Joyner wins an institute award.
David Joyner wins an institute award. (Photos by Terence Rushin/College of Computing)


Executive Director of OMSCS and Online Education David Joyner as well as SCI lecturer Max Mahdi Roozbahani received institute awards. Joyner was honored with the Outstanding Professional Education Award.

Roozbahani received the Class of 1940 W. Roane Beard Outstanding Teacher Award.

Mahdi Roozbahani wins an institute award.
Mahdi Roozbahani wins an institute award. (Photos by Terence Rushin/College of Computing)


College of Computing Dean Charles Isbell presented the awards and highlighted this year’s achievements, including the creation of the School of Computing Instruction saying it was “long past due.”

A complete list of this year’s college winners can be found here.