Posting Internships & Jobs
CareerBuzz is the Career Center’s online management system that allows employers to recruit Georgia Tech talent. CareerBuzz accounts are no-cost to employers and allows you to have access to the following features:
- Post job (part-time or full-time), internship, and co-op opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and/or alumni (2 years +).
- Request and create on-campus interview schedules.
- Review candidate resumes for job postings.
- Request on-campus and virtual information sessions or other customized events.
- Register for Career Center signature events including the All-Majors Career Fair, Diversity First, Resume Review, and other upcoming events.
To get started, we recommend you review the following steps:
1. Review the Career Center’s policies and procedures.
2. Create your account in CareerBuzz.
- New users should log on to CareerBuzz and click on “New Employer Registration” and complete the account registration requirements. After you have created an account, you will receive an approval message with your login information within 2-3 business days.
- Returning users can log on to CareerBuzz with their username and password. If your organization has recruited with Georgia Tech in the past, check in with your employer to see if an account has already been created and a password has been issued.
3. Create your job, internship, or co-op posting. Here are some tips to consider when posting your opportunity:
- Write clear job descriptions outlining job responsibilities and requirements.
- Identify majors and graduate levels (i.e., undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students) that are relevant to the position. When applicable, consider specific skill sets or competencies that can be applied across majors.
- Include a salary range. Take a look at our Career and Salary Survey page.
4. Get Engaged.
- Georgia Tech students respond to employer engagement on-campus when they attend events (i.e., Career Fairs and information sessions) and are more willing to apply to positions with companies they are more familiar with.
The Georgia Tech Internship Program includes full and part-time semesters of work experience. Internships are designed to complement a student’s formal education with major practical experience. They are single-semester, major-related experiences, but many students may work multiple internships and, in some cases, have the option of interning for two consecutive terms (spring and summer or summer and fall). Students can complete multiple internships for the same employer, or they may work for a different employer each work term. Most of the undergraduate interns are sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Domestic graduate students can intern after their first semester in good academic standing while international graduate students can intern after their second semester. Unpaid internships and community service assignments are also part of this program.
F-1 international students can pursue co-ops and internships by obtaining the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Optional Practical Training (OPT) work authorizations. For more information visit the Hiring International Students for Co-Ops and Internships site.
For more information about hiring interns from GA Tech, please visit our Internship Program site and our Co-Op/Internship Employer Expectations site.
Career Services Resources
- Student Resources
- Career Fair
- Recruiter Information