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School of Cybersecurity and Privacy Lecture Series


The School of Cybersecurity and Privacy is welcoming Qualcomm's Henry Tong and Viji Raveendran on Friday, November 12 for a discussion about ensuring effective security for mobile devices.

Attendees can join in person or attend virtually. Both options require registration. Attendees must register in advance for both options.

Space is strictly limited for in-person attendance. For more info,

email: scp@cc.gatech.edu for more information.

Ensuring Robust Security on Mobile Devices


Mobile devices have become ubiquitous gear throughout the world. They are quintessential extensions of our daily lives with numerous sensors and radios while also hosting more and more of our daily living (e.g., calendars, financial information, access to healthcare information, present location, etc.). As such, it is important that while mobile devices provide robust connectivity and contextual awareness of our surroundings, they do this in a way that provides for the security and privacy of the user. While each generation (i.e., “G”) of cellular technology takes a heightened approach to these aspects, the earlier G’s do not benefit from the upgrades. In this tech talk, we will discuss two key features that Qualcomm has developed to improve the privacy and security of users’ activities on mobile devices, independent of the network. Hypervisor capability allows for a scalable virtualization framework within the smartphone to enable multiple personas and secure use cases; while attestation improves the confidence the operator of the smartphone is the actual owner of the smartphone. While the breadth and depth of commercial adoption of smartphones drive the need for these capabilities, QGOV is leveraging these features to improve the security and privacy of government users as well.

Henry's Bio

Henry Tong has over 25 years of experience in the Tech Industry. He currently is the head of engineering at Qualcomm’s Government Technologies (QGOV) division where he leads projects involving secure communications, trusted computing, and software-defined radios. He has also worked on the commercial side of Qualcomm where he led efforts involving integration, test, software automation, and handset OEM support. Prior to joining Qualcomm, Henry worked as a hardware designer at AT&T Bell Labs and a software lead for the F-22 project at Raytheon. Henry has a BS EE from Cornell University and an MS CE/CS degree from UCLA.

Viji's Bio

Viji Raveendran is a Senior Director at Qualcomm leading DoD programs in Qualcomm’s Government Technologies (QGOV) division. She is focused on solving mission-critical problems for the US Government through Secure Communications, Distributed Processing, Edge Intelligence, and Predictive Analytics for Real-Time Incident Response. Prior to QGOV, she led the Advanced Wireless Video group in Qualcomm’s R&D organization innovating and standardizing peer-to-peer and distributed multimedia communications over Cellular, WLAN, and mmWave. At her core an innovator, she has over 1300 granted patents worldwide in the areas of Cyber Security, Wireless and Video Communications for Mobile, Automotive, and IoT.