Student Alerts
We know that registration has a lot of moving parts, so we have put together the information you need to navigate it. There's a lot of information here, so please bookmark this page so that you can refer back to it. If you need historical information, we have an archive of student alert e-mails.
Table of Contents
- Instructor methods
- Advisement Schedule & Advising Populations
- Ethics Courses, CS 1100, and Core Requirements
- Waitlisting
- Capstone/Junior Design Options
- Required Grades and Pass/Fail Credit
- Anticipated Course Offerings
- Prerequisite Chart
- Double Major Restrictions
- Math Updates
- Cybersecurity and Privacy Thread Updates
- Devices Thread Updates
- Information Internetworks Thread Updates
- Intelligence Thread Updates
- People Thread Updates
- Systems and Architecture Thread Updates
- Theory Thread Updates
- Media Thread Updates
- Modeling and Simulation Thread Updates
Instructor methods
Instructor descriptions for the fall 2024 hybrid sections are below. Details or updates will appear on Canvas when instructors activate the courses there. Fall hybrid courses are 2200 A and B, 2340 C, D, and GR, and 4400 A and B.
Hybrid specifically describes a course where some sessions take place in person, and some sessions take place fully online. While the in-person meetings may often include blended teaching elements, hybrid courses set the expectation that all students will engage in some parts of the course in person and in other parts of the course through remote, fully online participation.
The following are examples of hybrid courses:
• Students regularly meet in person twice a week on Mondays and Fridays and meet fully online on Zoom on Wednesdays.
• Students meet regularly in person throughout the term, but there are a significant number of scheduled sessions where students meet online or work asynchronously instead.
Advisement Schedule & Advising Populations
Advisors will have shorter appointments from April 15th – May 1st to accommodate the large volume of students with registration questions. These appointments are not suitable for long-term planning. During this time, advisors will be available for virtual drop-in meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:00-11:00 am EST and 1:00-3:00 pm EST.
Students can schedule appointments Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Friday, 9:00-11:00 am EST and 1:00-4:00 pm EST by visiting Please use the comments area to add a more detailed reason for all appointments. The comments assist your advisor with preparing for your meeting. Advisors are also available to answer your questions via email. Use the following link to find your assigned advisor: . Accepted BSMS students should continue to email their assigned BSMS advisors for appointments.
Ethics Courses, CS 1100, and Core Requirements
1. CS 3001 (Computing, Society, and Professionalism), has offerings in the summer and fall. Check OSCAR for section details. The course is a new version of CS 4001 and counts as the ethics requirement. It has separate lecture and recitation sections. Students must register for a lecture AND one of the corresponding recitation sections. When offered, the following courses also satisfy the BSCS ethics requirement: CS 4001 (abroad programs only), CS 4002, CS 4003, CS 4726, and SLS 3110.
2. CS 1100 A1, A3, and A4 are restricted to incoming CS and CM students in fall. Graduating seniors, transfer students, and students who changed majors to CS can register for the B2 section. This section is restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
3. Multiple student alerts outlined the prerequisite changes for these CS courses: 3311, 4420, 4476, 4641, and 4650. Check OSCAR for the requirements.
4. Visit this Core Requirements infographic for a quick view of the BSCS core requirements.
The College of Computing uses the Waitlist function for registration. If a class is full, you must add your name to the waitlist for consideration. Waitlists do not guarantee access to a course. Please review the information and instructions for Waitlisting at:
Remember to check your email SEVERAL TIMES DAILY for waitlist movement during registration. When your time ticket opens, you can add your name to available waitlists. The waitlist process will start when all time tickets are open. Incoming students cannot access courses with waitlists. Therefore, some 1000 and 2000-level CS courses will not have waitlists during phase I registration. Waitlists carry over to phase II registration. However, it is crucial to add yourself to the waitlists that are available during phase I.
Capstone/Junior Design Options
OPTION 1: Project Class
OPTION 2: VIP- Vertically Integrated Project
OPTION 3: Research Option
OPTION 4: Start-up/Entrepreneurial Option
1. Review the Junior Design Document for descriptions of these options and registration instructions for each one. If a student begins one option and changes their mind, they will have to start and complete a different alternative (no mixing of junior design options).
2. CS 3311 & CS 3312 - Restricted to CS & CM. A permit is needed to sign up for the second part of the Project Class. The procedures for fall 2024 registration were provided to students in the Junior Design I sections by the instructors and JD coordinator. This information can also be found here.
3. Students who need to complete LMC 3403 should review the instructions below from LMC regarding permits. You can also find it at this LMC registration site.
LMC 3403 Registration Info for SUMMER 2024
We are offering 4 online asynchronous sections of LMC 3403 in Summer 2024
- ALL 4 LMC 3403s will require a permit
- Students must request a permit in Oscar
- Permits will be approved for summer 2024 graduates first; then fall 2024 graduates
- Due to high demand, students who are not graduating in summer or fall 2024 will likely not get a seat. Please plan accordingly.
- Log into BuzzPort
- On the Home tab locate the "Registration and Student Services" channel
- Select the "Registration - OSCAR" link
- Select "Student Services & Financial Aid"
- Select "Registration"
- Select "Registration Override Request
-- In the “Reason” box, you must only type: “SUMMER 24 GRAD”
(please do not type additional information in the reason box)
LMC 3403 Registration Info for FALL 2024
For fall 2024 registration, LMC 3403 Sections CS1-CS9, C10, C11, and C12 are available by permit only to CM and CS spring degree candidates who completed the fall 2024 OAG by March 6th.
All CS/CM majors who completed the fall 2024 OAG by March 6th should receive permits for all CS sections listed above. A permit does not guarantee you a spot in the section – you must register for an open CS/CM section when your time ticket opens.
- CM and CS majors cannot take sections reserved for other majors.
- Seats will be first come, first serve. NO OVERLOADS.
- If you intentionally misrepresent your graduation status to get access to the class, you will be dropped from the course.
Why don’t I have a permit?
- If you did not apply to graduate by 3/6/24, you have not been given a permit for LMC 3403.
- Students who applied by the fall 2024 graduation priority deadline of 3/6/24 will take priority.
- Students who applied to graduate after 3/6/24 will receive additional information on your options at a later date.
Required Grades and Pass/Fail Credit
1. GRADE OF “C” REQUIRED-CS majors must make a grade of “C” or higher in all CS and thread required courses.
2. PASS/FAIL CREDIT- CS majors must take all coursework for a letter grade except for CS 1100 and free electives. If you meet GT Institute regulations, you may use up to six hours of free electives as pass/fail credit.
Anticipated Course Offerings
A TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE is available as a guide to help with planning and is subject to faculty availability.
Prerequisite Chart
Check for current prerequisites in OSCAR.
Double Major Restrictions
Double majors with MATH cannot declare Mod/Sim or Theory as a thread.
Math Updates
NEW PROB/STAT OPTION - MATH 3235 with MATH 3236 (both must be taken) can count toward the Prob/Stat requirement. The extra three hours can count toward free electives.
Cybersecurity and Privacy Thread Updates
The Cybersecurity and Privacy Thread will launch in the 2024-2025 Catalog. View details in the 4/9 thread-specific alert.
Devices Thread Updates
1. 4476 Intro to Computer Vision is approved for Devices in the Real World.
2. For catalog years earlier than 2016-17, ECE 4180 should be substituted for ECE 4185 in the Building Devices pick. To receive a permit for ECE 4180, please submit your request on the following form:
You must be on a Georgia Tech network to access this site. CS students should have ECE 2031 and CS 3510 as prerequisites.
Information Internetworks Thread Updates
Intelligence Thread Updates
1. CS 4644 - Deep Learning is approved for Approaches to Intelligence.
2. CS 4510 is the only course available for the Computational Complexity Requirement. The prerequisites for CS 4510 are (MATH 3012 or 3022) and (MATH 3215 or MATH 3225 or MATH 3670 or ISYE/CEE 3770 or ISYE 2027 with 2028) and "C" or higher CS 3510/3511. CS 3240 is no longer an option for Computational Complexity and will not be on future schedules.
Students on catalogs before 2023-2024 can take CS 4510 or take three courses under the Approaches to Intelligence pick area.
People Thread Updates
1. PSYC 2012 replaced the PSYC 2015 requirement. PSYC 2012 is three hours and does not include a lab. Effective summer 2023, students on the 2022-2023 or earlier catalogs must use PSYC 2012 plus one free elective hour to satisfy the PSYC 2015 requirement. PSYC 2012 is available in the summer and fall 2024 semesters. The summer section does not have any restrictions. Here are the restrictions and process for fall:
The fall sections are permit restricted during phase I.
CS and CM Fall 24 degree candidates who completed an Online Application for Graduation (OAG) before the Wednesday prior to phase I (4/10/2024) were placed on the permit list that the CoC sent to the School of Psychology (SoP) to enter permits for phase I.
Students who apply after this date are added to a late permit list.
CoC sends this list to SoP on the last day of Phase I to enter permits between Phase I and Phase II.
Restrictions will remain in place for the first 48 hours of phase II to allow students with later permits to register.
.PSYC 2012 restrictions are lifted after 48 hours of phase II registration.
Advisors can make the substitution throughout registration, so be patient if you do not see it on DegreeWorks.
2. CS 4745 can count for Human-Centered Technology for students on catalogs prior to 2018-2019.
3. CS 3751 covers the same material as CS 3750 but with a different format of two 50-minute lectures and one smaller two-hour design studio.
Systems and Architecture Thread Updates
1. ECE 2031 is required for students on the 2016-17 or later catalogs. If you are on a previous catalog, you do not need to take it.
2. The new prerequisite for CS 3220 is ECE 2031. Students on catalogs prior to 2016 and who have not taken CS 3220 will need to request a prerequisite override from their advisors.
Theory Thread Updates
1. For catalog years earlier than 2016-17, MATH 3406 should be substituted for MATH 2406.
2. Students in the Theory Thread should take CS 4540 in the fall. This class is only offered in the spring intermittently and in a small section (taught with the graduate section) for degree candidates only.
Media Thread Updates
Modeling and Simulation Thread Updates
CS 1171 is no longer offered. Students on the 2022-2023 or earlier catalogs can use one free elective hour to satisfy the requirement.